
Good Samaritan Fund Update: Our Good Samaritan Fund helped a woman from being evicted. She is facing health issues for which she has testing and an upcoming hip replacement. We also helped a single mom of two who left a domestic violence situation with past rent due. It's a community effort as she's been helped by SAFE in Hunterdon, Family Promise, Family Harvest, and Fisherman’s Mark in various ways.

The fund provides financial assistance to individuals and families in the local Flemington area with verifiable emergency needs when other programs, services, or funds are unavailable. Essentially, the Good Samaritan Fund is for the people who fall through the cracks. Emergency situations can feel like an overwhelming storm of uncertainty and fear. In these moments, we wish to give compassion and support, giving a glimmer of hope in an otherwise challenging time. Funds are provided by paying the entity directly (e.g., landlord, bills, etc.) and are expected to be a one time support, not ongoing. We often collaborate with other faith communities in the area when the needs exceed what we can solely provide.  

We need your help to continue the support of The Good Samaritan Fund for this community. Our goal is to raise $7,000 to stock The Good Samaritan Fund this year. As of the beginning of May, we have raised $4,437 - which means we have fully funded everyone we have helped this year so far. A big Thank You to all who have given! And, we still have more to go to hit our target for the year. 
To give to The Good Samaritan Fund:
Contribute online and select "Special Funds" and "Good Samaritan Fund."
- Send a check to the FPC office made out to FPC with "Good Samaritan Fund" in the memo.
Thank you for your consideration in supporting FPC's Good Samaritan Fund and helping to Shine God’s Light in times of darkness. Send any questions you have to

Greetings from our new Director of Music, Dr. Carmen Scialla! Carmen comes to us from Somerset Hills Lutheran Church in Basking Ridge, where he served as Music Director for fourteen years. He has held several Music Professor positions including at Montclair State University, Arkansas State, and Kean University of New Jersey. Carmen has also enjoyed a performing career as a concert pianist with recital appearances in Europe, China, and the U.S. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, Carmen is also a composer with a catalog of compositions published by GIA, Concordia Publishing House, Fred Bock Publishing Group, and Oregon Catholic Press. He is a local native, currently residing in Ringoes.

Carmen's first Sunday at FPC will be June 9, and he is excitedly looking forward to getting started, meeting the church community, and sharing his talents in the service of worship at FPC. Your first chance to meet Carmen in person will be at the Strawberry Festival on June 6. Please stop by to welcome him.

Dedicate Music: Do you have a special person or occasion you would like to commemorate with music?  Just in time for Choir Appreciation Sunday, new handbell and handchime anthems have been purchased for the Memorial Ringers, Joyful Ringers, and Melody Chimes for the 2024-2025 church year.  Each anthem is $40.  Donations may be made to FPC with a notation for music in the memo.  Please email with the text of your dedication.

CWS Blanket Sunday: For over 75 years, Church World Service (CWS) has been helping people of faith bring God’s hope and healing to people in the U.S. and around the world. When difficult times happen, a kind and loving response can make all the difference. That’s why the CWS Blankets program was created—to give a kind, loving and tangible response to someone facing a difficult time, reminding them that they are not alone. Join other generous donors and provide comfort and warmth to our neighbors in need.

$10  CWS Blanket
$25  CWS Blanket and a CWS HYGIENE KIT
$30  Three CWS Blankets (two wool and one fleece)
$45  Three CWS Blankets and a CWS Hygiene Kit
$60  Blanket Bundle! Three wool CWS Blankets and three fleece CWS Blankets

To donate to CWS Blankets, you can make a check out to Flemington Presbyterian Church with "CWS Blankets" on the memo line and drop it in the  offering plate or mail it to FPC, or you can donate via our websiteGiving Page- choose "Give Online," then the Fund "Special Offerings," and then the Sub Fund "Blanket Sunday Offering."

FPC Photo Directory: We are creating a new photo directory. Days to have your picture taken are Sunday, May 12, from 11am to 5pm and Wednesdays, June 12 and 19, 3pm-6pm. There will be a sign-up table in Fellowship Hall or you can sign up here. Pictures will be taken in the Parish House. No purchase necessary. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.

FPC Tutoring and Studying: Beginning April 14, local high school students will offer free help with student's homework, practice and/or studying, organized by our Student Deacons. Math – History – Sciences – Languages – Literature – Writing. Available from 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. every Sunday for grades K-8. Find us up in the Youth Room of the church. If you have any questions please contact the church office.
Are you interested in helping to tutor a student? We could use your help. Please sign up here.

Communion Stewards Needed:  The Worship Committee is seeking two volunteers to help prepare the elements prior to our Communion services. Please contact Jennifer Willis at

Little Food Pantry Needs: Our Little Food Pantry is so highly used by the community, FPC volunteers restock it four times a week. And so, we need items to restock! Our current needs are healthy nutrition bars and individual packets of chicken and tuna. Please drop donations off in the marked box in Fellowship Hall, or you can write a check to FPC with LFP in the memo line. Thank you for shining God’s light! 

Per Capita for 2024: Help us reach our goal! The 2024 Per Capita apportionment for each active member of FPC is $42.50. This is the amount we will remit to our Presbytery this year to cover our share of the expenses of our governing councils: General Assembly, Synod, and Presbytery. You may send a check to the church office (note “Per Capita” on the memo line) or give online at – tap the “Online Giving” button and choose “Per Capita” in the “Fund” dropdown menu.

2024 Giving Pledges: As we enter 2024, please consider making a giving pledge for this new year if you have not already done so. Pledges allow the church to plan and budget for the coming year by helping us to predict future giving. Pledge cards are available at the church, or you can pledge online at And as a reminder, you can make gifts directly online through the link at Giving — Flemington Presbyterian Church. For additional convenience, when giving online, you can set up a recurring payment to the church. You may also want to check with your bank to see if you can set up regular payments directly from your checking account. Giving in this way saves the Church the processing fees from the online portal. Finally, you may wish to see if your employer offers a giving match program that would apply to giving to Flemington Presbyterian. Enrolling in such a program would effectively double each dollar you donate to FPC.

Prayer Requests: If you would like to submit a Prayer Request to be included in the Sunday morning Prayers of the People in worship and/or the Prayer section of the e-newsletter, you have several options:

And remember, our Prayer Chain is YOU! As members of Flemington Presbyterian Church, we ask that you practice the spiritual discipline of holding one another up in prayer regularly,  especially those who are in a particular time of struggle.  Let us actively care for each other by holding each other up to God, praying for God’s will, and maintaining our unity in the Holy Spirit as God weaves our lives together into a unique and beloved tapestry. 

Coffee Hour Hosts! Meet people and make new friends by signing up as a Sunday fellowship hour host! All food items are provided by the Fellowship Committee. Directions are posted in the kitchen for setting up and cleaning up. Sign up at

Help with Rides to Church: We are looking for volunteers to provide rides to church for church members. If you can help, please email, and we will email you the SignUpGenius link.

ShopRite Gift Cards: By purchasing a ShopRite gift card, you can support both your family and the FPC Bell Choirs. Don't shop at ShopRite? ShopRite gift cards also are appreciated by local food pantries, struggling to help more people at this time. Email Margaret Sheneman at to arrange for purchase and delivery.

Used Clothing Drop-Off Shed: As arranged through Turnkey Enterprises, LLC, Deacons have set up a used clothing drop-off shed in the far back corner of the parking lot.
Items accepted: We can only accept clothing, shoes, belts, purses, blankets, linens, and stuffed toys.
We do NOT accept: Rags, fabric scraps, pillows, rugs, toys, household goods, or any other items not listed above.
Items must be dropped off in closed plastic bags.
Your donation will not be cut up or shredded. The Flemington Presbyterian Church Deacons are paid per pound for the unwanted items.

Pastoral Visit: If you desire a pastoral visit at home or while in the hospital, please call (or have someone contact) the church office at 908-782-3227. Due to HIPAA regulations (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act), hospitals are not permitted to call the church office or give out patient information over the phone. With your help and understanding, we hope to maintain the level of care our congregation has come to expect. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Rev. Amy Lincoln at 908-782-3227, ext. 11.

Donate Your Used Eyeglasses: Drop your used reading glasses, prescription glasses, sunglasses, and eyeglass cases in the labeled collection box in the church library in Fellowship Hall. They will be sent to Crosslink Memphis, a 501(c) (3) medical mission supply ministry, on a regular basis.

Ongoing Opportunities for Engagement

We have many ongoing opportunities to get involved at FPC: youth events, ushers, lay readers, children’s message leaders, coffee hour hosts, committee participation, bell choir Shop Rite cards, flower dedications, and more. Details are available on our Ways to Engage page. We encourage you to jump in! No experience or long-term commitment necessary. You can also let us know your interests in how you might contribute to building up our faith community by completing the Time and Talent Sharing Form.

General Information

To hear the service more clearly, you are invited to use one of the church’s personal radio receivers. Inquire from an usher.

Large print materials for worship are available on the first pew at the front of the sanctuary near the East Main Street entrance. These materials include bibles, hymnals, and bulletins.

Announcements for the weekly e-newsletter, website, and social media are due to the office by noon on Wednesdays. Please forward them to

Hospital Visits: If you desire a pastoral visit while in the hospital, please call (or have someone contact) the church office at 908-782-3227. HIPAA regulations (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) prohibit hospitals from contacting the church office or giving out patient information over the phone. With your help and understanding, we can maintain the level of care our congregation has come to expect.

Email Scam Alert This is a general reminder to please be on alert regarding scams requesting assistance from the church or from Pastor Amy, particularly in the form of gift cards. Our church staff would never send emails or texts requesting gift cards or similar assistance. Pastor Amy's email address is; emails received from any address other than that are not genuine. If you are ever unsure of the authenticity of church communications, please call the church office or email Cindy Hall at or Jamie Evans at